Making Jesus Known through word, life & action.

Adult's groups

Bible Studies

Throughout the year we run a series of sessions, in small groups, to look at the Bible and what it says to us. These are often themed – we’ve previously looked at our church values, The Kings Speech and Casablanca films – or they may work through a single book looking to expand our understanding of the Bible as a whole. There are currently two studies running.

Thursday Evenings at 8.15 – This is a zoom meeting, perfect for couples with children who would like to attend together or people who struggle to attend an in-person meet up. This group has just finished working through James and has moved onto looking at Romans.

Sunday Mornings after the serviceHeld every week after the service, reflecting on the sermon and thinking about any questions or further study that arises. A lovely group at all stages of their Christian journeys.

Coffee Time
Held every First Tuesday of the month 10.30-12.30am, Coffee Time is a relaxing space to meet friends, do puzzles or other activities and enjoy tea and cake. Everyone is welcome to come and join our friendly group, or just enjoy some quiet time if you prefer.


Silk Painting

We have a small group who meet fornightly on a Monday afternoon from 2pm to enjoy each others company and do silk painting. It is a lovely friendly group and lots of fun, both for complete beginners and expert painters.


We are delighted as a church to support David Quintin as he takes services to the communities at The Firs and Gracefields. There are many residents who are unable to make our Sunday service who enjoy being able to worship and explore God’s word closer to home. We would appreciate prayer, both for the residents and also for David and the volunteers who help him to make these services possible.


Prayer on the Streets

Every Third Saturday of the month, Downend Baptist in partnership with St Augustines and other local churches go out into the local area and offer prayer to anyone who needs it. We meet at Downend Baptist at 10am for coffee and leave at around 10.30 until 12.30. Some people stay at the church to pray for those out and about, so everyone is welcome (if you don’t like the cold or can’t stand for long, we would love to have you pray in church).


For more information about any of our groups please contact us.



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